Chelsea VanBuskirk is on a purposeful mission to help empower women who feel stuck in their cages of unrealistic expectations, living life as dimmed down versions of their truest brightest selves. Those that feel like they are never doing enough, who yearn for acceptance, and approval, and seek external validations to feel worthy.

She strives to help women remember their innate power so they can shine their light and find their inner strength to break free and live life authentically and joyfully through healing, self love, and internal validations. She wants women to know the freedom of living life as our most authentic selves, learning to love all the pieces of ourselves, owning all the ways we have been broken through life’s painful moments and recognizing we are enough and still whole.

A multi-skilled mompreneur, she has risen above the many challenges and painful moments of her life that left her feeling broken and unworthy, living to please and serve others to gain approval, draining her energy to power and provide for everyone else, dimming her light so others could shine.

Then rising up, breaking free, learning to heal her wounds, find her inner power and strength, and coming to realize her worth to confidently begin shining her light unapologetically allowing her to lead others to find their own inner power and shine their light too.

A modern-day spiritual teacher, Chelsea spends her days producing inspirational content and managing her and her husband's rental property empire, all while momming their three kids in the suburban streets of south Denver, Colorado with a Starbucks in hand, bumping the hip hop classics of her younger years. She holds a B.A. in Behavioral Science, is an avid writer, motivational speaker, energy healer, and Ordained Spiritual Counselor. She strives to find new ways to grow her community and connect with her audience through humor, music references, and everyday life scenarios. She works at providing new insights and tools for women to break free from their cages they confine their true selves in and to see the endless possibilities within their power, showing the abundance of spiritual connections available for healing, facilitating self-love, and co-creating a kick ass life they love.